1. Did you find this assessment challenging or difficult? If so how did you overcome
your challenges?
The assessment task was relativity straightforward as it was a group task and our group was able to collaborate and make the best use of our personal skills. The hardest part of the task was the idea's stage, as creativity did not flourish in our group. We overcame this challenge by brainstorming as many different possible ways we could complete our multimedia/yearbook task, and then choosing the best ideas.
2. Outline the process you underwent to complete your Year Book and Multimedia Product
Research and Development-
Within this stage I engaged in the problem, research, and ideas tasks. In the "Problem" task I started assessing what I actually had to complete. I also brainstormed some multimedia ideas. In the "Research" task I researched examples of blogs. I also researched examples of the different types of multimedia and how they are used. In the "Idea" task I took the knowledge that I had gained in the research and problem task and brainstormed possible ideas I could use for my final product.
Creation of Yearbook
In this stage my group and I embarked to complete the yearbook. This included planning the information we would enter for the students and then the data entry phase. Pictures of each student were inserted into the yearbook, along with a brief description of the student and a list of some of their accomplishments.
In this stage my group and I embarked to complete the yearbook. This included planning the information we would enter for the students and then the data entry phase. Pictures of each student were inserted into the yearbook, along with a brief description of the student and a list of some of their accomplishments.
Creation of Multimedia Task
In this stage my group and I created the multimedia task/s. This involved the painstaking creation of an animation and the editing of student photos.
• Clearly evaluates the Product produced during this project. Reference to the multimedia animation and criteria is required.1. Are you happy with the final production of your Year Book and Multimedia Product?
Yes I am reasonably happy with the final production
2. If given more time, would you change your Year Book/Multimedia Product? If so, why?
If given more time I would use it to increase the quality and length of the Animation. I would do this because I am not very adept at the creation of animations and more time would allow me to produce a better quality and longer animation(and maybe even multiple animations)
3. Rate your final Year Book/Multimedia Task out of 10.
I would give it a 7/10 as the animation probably wasn't as good as it could have been, due to my groups' lack of skill with making animations.
• Clearly evaluates the Personal (yourself), commitment and involvement shown during the project.
1. Evaluate your work ethic within this unit.
The work was completed by the due date and to a good standard. The Blog was completed to the best of my ability. Work ethic in the group activity was gfreat, but it was slow getting started.
2. Did you enjoy the unit? What were your highlights?
Multimedia tasks are not usually my forte or something that I enjoy, but this task was enjoyable for what it was. The highlight/s was probably the research stage as research tasks are something I pride myself in and thoroughly enjoy.
3. What could be improved about the unit?
I think the unit could be improved by having a more specific marking criteria, specifically for the make part, as at some stages of the make part I felt it would be helpful to know more about what criteria you were attempting to fill.